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Looking for a Friend

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Looking for a Friend Empty Looking for a Friend

Message par Tom Scan Mar 9 Fév 2010 - 0:21

I am looking to make contact with Yazid Larinouna from Algiers, Algeria. We met and were friends in 1992 in the US and I have not seen nor heard from him. I am hoping he is well and would like to make contact. I gave him my belt buckle before we parted company...My email is you if anyone can help. He was a Superintendent in a government law enforcement agency...Thank you for your help....

Tom Scan

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Looking for a Friend Empty yazid larinouna

Message par belemou Jeu 18 Nov 2010 - 20:17

yazid larinouna est décédé allah yarhamou


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Looking for a Friend Empty Yazid larinouna

Message par sofiane Jeu 23 Déc 2010 - 19:53

I am sorry to tell you that the person that u searching for mr Yazid larinouna has died going back 3 or 4 years ago, I know that he worked for algerian gov and he is from Bou ismail.


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Looking for a Friend Empty yazid Larinouna has died since May 2001.

Message par H.Larino Ven 29 Juil 2011 - 17:17

i'm verry sorry to answer tou you that Mr-Yazid Larinouna has died since May 2001.he is my cousin. Hamoud Larinouna . skype: medlamine2000. glad to meet you ! have good time.


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Looking for a Friend Empty Re: Looking for a Friend

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